Safety Guidelines


Select a course where there is minimal vehicle traffic or intersections. Follow pedestrian laws and maintain awareness of your surroundings.

• If going on your own, share your route and when you plan to run with others.

• If wearing headphones, keep the volume down and only wear one earbud. Stay alert and aware of what’s going on around you.

• Dress for the weather. Run before it gets too hot or on a less humid day. Wear layers for cooler temperatures.

• Wear reflective material if you must run/walk before dawn or after dark.

• Make sure you hydrate before the race (16-20 oz. 2-3 hours prior, 6-10 oz. within 1 hour of your race). • Eat a small meal or snack 2 hours before your run.

• Apply sunscreen with an SPF of 30 at least 30 minutes before your run.

• Drink when you feel thirsty.

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